Why is Insurance so Important?

We help you grow your wealth so that you are able to meet your financial goals. However, how are you supposed to meet your financial goals if something unexpected happens and causes you to have to dip into your savings. We offer a wide range of insurance products that help you protect your wealth from[…]

Why Take Advantage of a TFSA?

A Tax Free Savings Account(TFSA) is a flexible registered general-purpose savings plan that allows Canadian residents to earn tax free investment income. In 2015 the tax-free contribution limit was raised from $5500 to $10,000 by the Conservative government. Although with the change in government, it has been announced that starting January 1, 2016 that the[…]

Why should you start an RESP?

A Registered Education Savings Plan(RESP) is a government registered savings plan that helps you save for a child’s post secondary education. Limitations: There is no limitation on the number of contributors to a single plan or beneficiary. Although the limitation as to how much you can contribute to a beneficiaries plan tax-free over a lifetime[…]